If you are searching for the latest bank account detail of CTEVT Office of all the seven provinces then you could find the bank account detail of province Koshi, Madesh, Bagmati, Gandaki, Lumbini, Karnali and Sudur Paschhim.
ctevt-bank account number details |
Today we are sharing you all the bank account numbers of CTEVT that will be helpful for all the institutions, diploma level students and pre-diploma level students. This is the updated account number and account name of CTEVT published on 2080 Shrawan month from the notice. This account number is also published in entrance notice 2080.
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CTEVT Koshi Province A/C Number
Province No. 1(Koshi Province) Office Itahari, Sunsari Rastriya Banijya Bank, Itahari Branch Current Account Number 2550100001278001.
- Koshi Account Number 2550100001278001
- Bank Account Name: CTEVT Koshi Province Office
CTEVT Koshi Bank Account Number |
CTEVT Madesh Province A/C Number
Province No. 2 (Madesh Province) Office, Janakpur, Dhanusha, Rastriya Banijya Bank, Janakpur Branch Current Account Number 1520100002639001.
- Madesh Account Number 1520100002639001
- Bank Account Name: CTEVT Madesh Province Office
CTEVT Madesh Province Bank account number |
CTEVT Bagmati Province A/C Number
Province 3 (Bagmati) Office, Makawanpur, Hetauda, Rastriya Banijya (RBB), Hetauda Branch Current Account Number 1300100003669001.
- Bagmati Account Number 1300100003669001
- Bagmati Account Number 1300100003668001
- Bank Account Name: CTEVT Bagmati Province Office
CTEVT Bagmati Bank Account Number |
CTEVT Gandaki Province
Province 4 (Gandaki Province) Office, Pokhara, Kaski, Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) Pardi, Pokhara Branch Current Account Number 3500100000234001.
- Gandaki Account Number 3500100000234001
- Bank Account Name: CTEVT Gandaki Province Office
CTEVT Lumbini Province
Province 5 (Lumbini Province) Office, Butwal, Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB), Butwal Branch Current Account Number 3360100000361001.
- Lumbini Account Number 3360100000361001
- Bank Account Name: CTEVT Lumbini Province Office
ctevt lumbini bank account number |
Check: CTEVT Change Exam Notice
CTEVT Karnali Province
CTEVT Province 6 (Karnali Province) Office, Birendranagar, Surkhet, Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) Birendranagar, Surkhet Branch Current Bank Account Number 4080100015528001.
- Karnali Account Number 3360100000361001
- Bank Account Name: CTEVT Karnali Province Office
ctevt Karnali bank account number |
CTEVT Sudur Paschhim Province
Province 7 (Sudurpaschhim Province) Office, Dhangadhi, Kailali Rastriya Banijya Bank, Dhanghadi Branch Current Account Number 4170100006508001.
- Sudur Paschhim Account Number 4170100006508001
- Bank Account Name: CTEVT Sudur Paschhim Province Office
ctevt sudurpaschhim bank account |
We hope that the bank account of CTEVT for those searching people helped a lot. If you want other regarding CTEVT notices, CTEVT Result Latest you could click on CTEVT page for further detail. If you are CTEVT student then this site could very helpful for receiving latest notices so on the notification as well.
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