BALLB 3rd Year 2078 Exam Schedule 2080 published by Tribhuvan University, Office of Examinaton Controller, Balkhu for yearly based exam. This is the exam year of 2078 which exam to be held in 2080 BS. This is 5 years Bachelor level LLB 3rd year partial exam schedule to all the student in this level. This is very important for all the students those who are will to develop their career in Law Faculty.
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5 years B.A.L.L.B. 3rd year exam schedule 2080 |
Table of Content (toc)
Exam Center of 5 Years BALLB 3rd Year-2078
- Kathmandu Exam Center:- Mahendraratna Campus, Tahachal
- Pokhara Exam Center:- Prithvinarayan Campus, Pokhara
Exam Time of 5 Year BALLB 3rd Year
The exam time for 5 Years BALLB 3rd year exam start on afternoon 12:00 PM and end on 03:00 PM.
- Exam Start Time: Afternoon 12:00 PM
- Exam Ending Time: Afternoon 03:00 PM
Exam Schedule of 5 Years BALLB 3rd year- 2078
Altogether, there are five subjects in which student should participate in the exam. We would like to suggest students to visit the exam center before one day of exam and go to the exam center every day before one hours of exam time i.e. 11:00 AM Morning. This help you a lot to warm up before exam and you could also discuss the probable questions with your friends.
- 2080/01/31 Refugee Law Law -461
- 2080/02/01 Law of Contract Law -453
- 2080/02/02 Method of Legal Research & Writing Law -455
- 2080/02/03 Criminal Law Law -451
- 2080/02/04 Property Law Law -454
- 2080/02/05 Public International Law Law -452
Exam Form Fill Up 5 years BALLB 3rd Year 2080
Students of 5 years BALLB 3rd year exam participating student those who have still not filled up their exam form can participate in this exam by filling exam paying double exam form fee within Baisakh 10, 2080. You could visit your campus gate to fill up the exam form paying double form fill fee.
5 years BALLB exam further notice
- There will be no any special arrangement of another exam schedule to the students not participating in the above exam schedule date of 5 years BALLB 3rd year exam.
- If there is any public holiday on the exam schedule date then also exam schedule will not be change before any pre notice from TU.
- If your any subject exam schedule are overlapped with each others then students should immediately inform within 7 days of notice published on website to the examination control office or campus.
- 5 Years BALLB students should contact their own campus for practical exam
- All the required materials like chart paper, graph paper, general voucher and log table and color should be bought by students with pre approval of exam center chairman.
- Within the 1 month of completion of theory exam, college should send students attendance and gain marksheet to the TU exam controller office.
- All the prohibited materials like mobile phones, smart watch, digital diary and bluetooth are not allowed in the exam center.
- Students should be confirm about their subject and subject code before filling the exam form.
- If 5 years BALLB student visit another exam center for participating exam then it will be automatically disqualified.
If you have any confusion related to this law exam schedule and notice then don't forget to comment below. We try our best to come up to you and solve your every comment question. Best of luck for the above exam schedule of law faculty and bright future.