Master Thesis Date 2079 Extended:- TU has extended the thesis submission date for 2079. If you want to know about the thesis submission date then read this article full. We have provided you full notice. All the Master's Level yearly and semester students could submit their thesis in the following date. Read carefully about the date and faculty who could submit their thesis.
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Thesis Submission Date Extended |
As per the decision of the meeting of Standing Committe of the Tribhuvan University Council held on 15th Baisakh 2079. The TU thesis submission date has been extended.
Tribhuvan University affiliated colleges and government Campuses students are unable to submit their Thesis in the given time period. This could be due to COVID-19. The study schedule has been badly affected that has made difficulties in submitting thesis in given time period.
Thesis Submission Notice
The notice regarding the thesis submission date has been published on 23rd Baisakh, 2079 BS. to inform Master's level student to submit thesis within 32nd Asadh 2079.
Thesis Submission Last Date
Those students who are unable to submit their thesis are informed to submit their thesis within 32nd Asadh 2079.
Who can submit Thesis?
Students those who have passed in all the theoretical subject of Master's Level Examination are eligible to submit their Thesis.
Batch 2048 Master's Level Thesis Date
Also, Student Admitted in 2048 year or 2048 Batch Students and after that admitted students of Master's Level (Yearly/Semester) still not submitted their Thesis could be able to submit their thesis.
Faculties for Thesis Submission
Management, Education, Humanities, Science and student Under Science and Technology Study Institute student should submit their thesis, receiving viva exam obtained mark to TU, Balkhu, Examination Controller Office within 32nd Asadh, 2079 BS.
If want to know more notices of TU then you could visit our website again. We have many notices and news related to TU exam, thesis, exam result then stay tuned.