LLB 2nd year Routine 2023 has been published if you are waiting for the exam routine of 3 years LLB 2nd year-2078. Hurry Up guys we will provide the details of the examination. Today we are giving you the routine of LLB second year exam routine.
LLB 2nd years program exam routine has been published by Tribhuvan University, Balukhu, for the information of all concerned as the examinations, will be conducted as per the following program of 2 years LLB Second Year Regular Examination which will be conducted in 2080 years.
Exam Time: 12:00 PM to 03:00 AM
Date Code Subjects
Exam Time: 12:00 PM to 03:00 AM
3 Years LLB 2nd Year Exam Routine 2023/2080
The full routine is published below:Date Code Subjects
- 2080-01-24 Law 422 Public International Law
- 2080-01-25 Law 430 Environmental Law
- 2080-01-26 Law 424 Methods of Legal Research & Writing
- 2080-01-27 Law 423 Property Law
- 2080-01-28 Law 426 Evidence Law
- 2080-01-29 Law 431 Refugee Law
- 2080-01-31 Law 427 Labour Law
- 2080-02-01 Law 429 International Air Space Law
- 2080-02-02 Law 433 Gender & Inclusive Justice
- 2080-02-03 Law 428 Election Law
- 2080-02-04 Law 432 Criminology
- 2080-02-05 Law 434 Law of Insurance
- 2080-02-07 Law 421 Criminal Law
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3 Years LLB 2nd Year Exam Schedule 2080 |
Special Notice
Under the 3 years LLB 2nd year program, some students who have to attend the second year LLB Second Year Exam came to understand that they have missed filling out the examination application form. Students from such campuses are informed fill out the examination application form within Baisakh 12, 2080 possible by contacting the respective campus.To be visible
- No re-arrangement will be made for the candidates who are absent in the examination as per the above examination program.
- Even if there is a sudden holiday, the examination will not be postponed without prior notice of Tribhuvan University.
- If any exam routine is overlapped then inform within 7 days of this notice published in Gorkhapatra. Otherwise, the schedule will remain the same.
- For the practical exam, students should contact their respective campus.
- The log table, Journal vouchers, graph paper, charts, etc. required for the examination should be brought by the students himself and used after the pre-approval of the Exam Centre Chairperson.
- Within 1 month of completing the theoretical examination, the respective campus will have to complete the experimental exam and score the campus must send attendance to the office.
- Prohibited items such as mobile phones, smartwatches, Bluetooth, digital diaries will not be taken inside the exam building. Otherwise, such items will be unreturnable by exam central chairman.
- According to the information to fill the examination application form, the subjects under the rules and courses laid down in the Tribhuvan University will have to fill the examination application form only by making sure that the course is required to take the exam. Otherwise, the campus or student will be automatically responsible for this.
- If any of the students are blind, sluggish, or unable to write by hand due to a serious hand-related disease, if the exam is to be given by a contributing author in accordance with Rule 2, on the basis of disability certificate from the official body or certified letter from the doctor, 1 hour for integers and less than half an hour. The timeline will be added for disability.
- The examination will be cancelled automatically if the student is found at different exam center other than the predetermined center.
Thank you
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بعبارة أخرى ، فإن نظام المحامي ، باعتباره أحدث نظام قانوني عبر الإنترنت ، من خلال توفير السير الذاتية العلمية والعملية لجميع المحامين في جميع أنحاء إيران ، قد أتاح لك الوصول بسهولة إلى المحامي الذي تريده في أي تخصص ، في أقصر وقت ممكن. ابحث وكن قادرًا على الحصول على استشارة مجانية وتقييم.
لماذا يجب أن يكون لدينا محامي في الرياض ؟
كما هو الحال عندما نمرض ، إذا لم نذهب إلى الطبيب ونحاول العلاج الذاتي ، بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، لن يختفي المرض ، وحتى مع مرور الوقت ، قد تعرضنا مضاعفات العلاج الذاتي لخطر الموت. القضايا القانونية ، مثل القضايا الطبية ، معقدة للغاية إذا تمت بدون استشارة ودون الاستعانة بمحامين ذوي خبرة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، لن يتم حل المشكلة ، بل ستؤدي إلى خسائر مالية أو بشرية فادحة مع عواقب لا يمكن إصلاحها.
اختصاصات محامي بالرياض