B Sc CSIT exam Center 2076 2nd year 4th Semester Bachelor
B Sc CSIT exam Center 2076 2nd year 4th Semester Bachelor level Computer Science and Information Technology Technology (B.Sc. CSIT) Subject 2nd year 4th Semester 2074 exam Time and Exam Centre Notice has been published.![]() |
Bachelor Level Exam Centre Notice |
Notice published in Gorkhapatra on Bhadra 18th, 2076 B.S.
Tribhuvan University, Science and Technology study Institute, Dean Office, Exam Branch, Balkhu has published a notice to be held exam on Bhadra 26th, 2076. Bachelor level Computer Science and Information Technology Technology (B.Sc. CSIT) Subject 2nd year 4th Semester 2074 group exam Time and Exam Centre Notice has been published.
Exam Center and Time is published Below:
Exam Time : Day 12:00 PM to 3:00 PMa) Mahendraratna Campus Tahachal, Centre:
All the students of Patan Multiple Campus, Amrit Campus, Bhaktpur Multiple Campus, St. Xavier College, Cathford International College of Engineering and Management, Texas International College, Prime College, St. Larent College, College of Applied Business, Kathmand Bornhart College, Dirwalk Institute of Technology
b) Patan Multiple Campus:
All the students of Patandhoka Centre: Everdean International College, New Summit College, Ambition College, National College of Computer Studies, Archid International college, Sagarmatha College of Science and Technology, Nagarjun College of Information Technology, Academia International College, Himalaya College of Engineering, Asian School of Management and Technology, Madan Bhandari Memorial College, Nepalaya College, Asian College of Higher Studies, Trinity International College, Samriddhi College, Swoptik College, Samajik College and Nist College.
c) Master (Isnatakotar) Biratnagar Centre:
All the students of Campus, Biratnagar Center, Biratnagar Multiple Campus, Apes College, Himalaya Darshan College, Birat Dixit College and Niharika College.
d) Central Technology Campus, Dharan Centre:
All the students of Birendra Memorial College and Godawari College.
e) Damak Multiple Campus, Damak Centre:
Shreeyantra College all the students.
f) Ramsworup Ramsagar Multiple Campus, Janakpur Centre:
All the students Ramsworup Ramsagar Multiple Campus.
g) Makwanpur Multiple Campus, Hetauda Centre:
Hetauda City College all the students.
h) Thakurram Multiple Campus, Birgunj Centre:
National Infotech College all the students.
i) Birendra Multiple Campus, Bharatpur Centre:
All the students of Birendra Multiple Campus, Indreni College, Lumbini I.C.T. Campus.
j) Prithivi Narayan Campus, Pokhara Centre:
PrithviNarayan Campus, Mount Annapurna Cammpus and Soch College all the students.
k) Butwal Multiple Campus, Butwal Centre:
Butwal Multiple Campus, Tinau Technological College and Nepathya College all the students.
l) Mahendra Multiple Campus, Nepalgunj Centre:
Mahendra Multiple Campus, Nepalgunj Campus, Banke Bageshwori College all the students.
m) Siddhanath Science Campus, Mahendranagar Centre:
Siddhanatha Science Campus all the students.
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